Logistics Costs

About This Course

The impact of logistics cost management on the financial performance of companies.

Logistics Costs | Refers to all costs related to purchasing raw materials from suppliers and storing them, in addition to the costs of sending and shipping goods to customers, including transportation, storage, labour, customer service, administrative operations, and others.

So, the attempt to reduce logistics cost is a fundamental goal:

  • What is the impact of logistics cost management on the financial performance of industrial companies?
  • The importance of effective logistics cost management, where: The training course sheds light on the management of logistics cost, and the huge costs borne by companies and establishments. It also highlights the importance of companies striving diligently to improve their financial performance, which ensures their survival and the continuity of their business. It also highlights the importance of successful management working to reduce logistics costs, which in turn leads to a reduction in general costs.

The program consists of 4 intensive training days, with interactive workshops, exchange of experiences, and role-playing activities, and each day lasts for 5 hours. The program is conducted at the companies’ and factories’ premises, as well as other organizations, after reaching a special agreement and arrangement in advance it is also available remotely online.

A special offer for training at the company’s headquarters for any number up to 15 trainees.

Learning Objectives

Identify and analyze the sub-costs of logistics activities (transportation costs, communication costs, handling costs, packaging costs, maintenance costs) and their total costs.
Measure the financial performance of industrial companies and explain the most important ratios and indicators for measuring it.
Measure the impact of logistics cost management on the profits of industrial companies.
The vision of senior management in cost management.
Reasons for declining profits and rising costs of logistics activities, which negatively affects the financial performance of companies.


8 Lessons40h

Concepts and principles of logistics cost management.

The strategic importance of logistics cost management in achieving excellent financial performance.

Estimating logistics costs and allocating costs

Achieving integration between internal and external logistics and its impact on financial performance

Improving the supply chain and reducing costs.

Using information technology in logistics cost management and its impact on financial performance.

Analysing the benefits and costs of logistics improvements and estimating the return on investment

A case study on the application of logistics cost management in a specific company and its impact on its financial performance.


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